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Price for veneer in 2024 (until December 31, 2024) Yonsei Yegam Dental Clinic​, Seoul, Korea

by 연세예감치과 2024. 1. 23.

Upper 6 teeth veneers (YONSEI YEGAM DENTAL CLINIC)



upper 4 teeth veneers (YONSEI YEGAM DENTAL CLINIC)



upper 4 teeth veneers (YONSEI YEGAM DENTAL CLINIC)



upper 2 teeth veneers (inturned tooth) (YONSEI YEGAM DENTAL CLINIC)


Price for veneer in 2024 (until December 31, 2024) Yonsei Yegam Dental Clinic

550,000 won per tooth

500,000 won per tooth if more than two veneer

480,000 won per tooth if 4 or more veneer

Laminates and teeth whitening are legally required to receive an additional 10% VAT for cosmetic purposes.

(This price is for those who agree on photo events of before and after of the veneer such as the previous photos shown above.)

If you don't agree with photo event, the price is 550,000 won each.)

Also, before laminating

General examination and medical counselling are required, including panorama to check the oral condition of the patient.



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E-mail: yonseiyegam@naver.com