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Causes of Bruxism, Factors That Increase the Symptom, Treatment Methods and Cost/ Seoul, S.Korea

by 연세예감치과 2024. 9. 20.

Causes of Bruxism, Factors That Increase the Symptom, Treatment Methods and Cost


Hello! Yonsei Yegam Dental Clinic is located near City Hall Station, Exit 7, directly across the Samsung Main Building. 


Today, we will take a closer look at bruxism treatment, which has become increasingly popular among office workers and students.


Bruxism, like nighttime teeth grinding, damages your teeth and causes stress and sleep disturbances for those around you. So, it is a serious condition.

Teeth that have been worn down due to bruxism

Image: Teeth that have been worn down due to bruxism




 Causes of Bruxism


It is known that there could be various reasons, but the exact cause has not yet been determined. It is generally considered to be a problem related to the autonomic nervous system, and factors that can exacerbate bruxism symptoms include alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, and certain medications. We have also had patients who grind their teeth excessively only when they drink alcohol, so they wear a bruxism guard only for those times.


Bruxism Treatment Methods


As you may have already noticed, Bruxism can lead to various issues. Some wake up with severe jaw stiffness due to bruxism, while others have worn down their teeth to the point of exposing the tooth nerves. Additionally, some patients' roommates experience extreme stress due to the noise and disruption caused by Bruxism.

There are various treatments available to help with issues caused by bruxism. Bruxism treatment is carried out at a dental clinic, and the methods include Botox injections and the use of a bruxism guard (night guard).


 Bruxism Botox

사진3 (Masseter muscles/ Temporalis muscles)


Simply put, Botox is used to reduce muscle activation. Typically, teeth grinding involves clenching and grinding with the chewing muscles, specifically the temporalis and masseter muscles. Botox is injected into these muscles to reduce their activation, which helps decrease teeth grinding. Many people ask, "Isn't Botox used for cosmetic purposes?” When Botox is injected into the masseter muscles to treat Bruxism, it also has the added benefit of slimming the jawline, giving it a V-line shape.


Bruxism Devices - Night Guard




The above-mentioned devices–nigh guard, bruxism splint, and bruxism protector–might all seem the same to you. These are bruxism devices that our patients actually use. They are all different.


As these devices are custom-made to fit only the individual’s teeth, they do not fit other people’s teeth.


Lately, you may have encountered DIY bruxism devices or ones you can order by sending in your impressions online. However, these are not suitable. A bruxism device is not something that can be made just anywhere; it needs to be precisely fitted and customized to be effective and safe.    



The production process for a bruxism device at a dental clinic involves several steps:


1. The process begins with a thorough diagnosis by a dentist.


2. A dental hygienist, who has completed specialized training and passed national exams, takes accurate and uniform impressions of the teeth and bite using appropriate instruments and tools.


3. A dental technician, who has also received specialised education and passed national exams, creates the bruxism device at a professional lab, taking into account the patient’s bite. 


4. Finally, the device is adjusted by the dentist in the patient’s mouth to ensure a proper fit and bite alignment.



The alignment of the upper and lower teeth, known as the occlusion, must be carefully considered and verified by a dental professional. Devices made online or by non-dental institutions may only cover the teeth but do not address the underlying issues, potentially causing more significant problems for the teeth. Therefore, a bruxism device must be professionally tailored to each individual’s occlusion to ensure proper function and avoid additional issues.


It is important to remember that a bruxism device that is not made correctly can harm your teeth. For example, it can cause malocclusion, such as an open bite where the upper and lower teeth do not meet properly. Therefore, using a DIY bruxism device made by taking your own teeth impressions and sending them online, without any dental knowledge, can lead to serious side effects and future costs.


 Bruxism Treatment Cost base on year 2024

Yonsei Yegam Dental Clinic, Seoul, S.Korea



​1.  General Oral Exam 

*Bruxism botox for teeth grinding, clenching and other TMJ problems

  • For treatment purposes: The cost includes a general oral exam and X-rays, which are covered by Korean National Health Insurance if applicable.
  • For cosmetic purposes: There is no examination fee, but a 10% VAT is applied according to relevant laws.

Therefore, even though Botox targets the same muscles, it is important to confirm whether the primary purpose is for treatment or cosmetic reasons, as well as whether you have domestic health insurance. For patients without healt insurance seeking treatment, a 30,000 KRW general examination fee will be charged. 


2. Botox

-   Masseter muscles botox: 100,000 KRW

- Temporalis muscles botox: 200,000 KRW


*For cosmetic purposes, such as non-bruxism or TMJ issues, there is no examination fee. However, a 10% VAT will be added as per relevant laws, similar to dermatology or plastic surgery services. 


3. Devices (Night Guard, Splint, etc.)

- Custom Dental Night Guards for Grinding Teeth: 550,000 KRW (production time: approximately 7~10 days)

- Custom Dental Bruxism Splint: 600,000 KRW (production time: 7~10 days)


*At Yonsei Yegam Dental Clinic, we mix Botox powder only after obtaining patient's consent for the treatment, rather than using pre-mixed solutions, to ensure the best results.





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